Category: Inspired Thought

His name shall be called Jesus, for He shall save His people from their sins ❤️

A people in need, a people in deed. Fed by my hand, yet trusting in the land. Spoken to by my mouth, yet given up to the south. How long will I wait? How far will you go outside the gate? I’m seeking you.… Continue Reading “His name shall be called Jesus, for He shall save His people from their sins ❤️”

Humble yourselves

2 Chronicles 7:14 “If my people, which are called by my name, shall _______________, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” What have… Continue Reading “Humble yourselves”

Draw near or Fall apart

Drawing near is vital. If we don’t draw near, we will fall away. It’s a natural law… because, our carnal mind and carnal self will always draw near to the world, automatically… We must choose to draw near to God, with the strength from… Continue Reading “Draw near or Fall apart”

Willing to move

Photo by Mario Enriquez Willing to move Not hearing God’s voice? Might be time to move… Move closer. A rewarder of those that diligently seek, is He. The I AM. He never changes. Not hearing God’s voice? What’s getting in the way? Maybe something… Continue Reading “Willing to move”

Replace the stones of regret with the building blocks of repentance

“Start by replacing the stones of regret with the building blocks of repentance…” How do we walk with God? How do we live our lives together? God is the master builder.We are formed in His image and we too are builders. Start by replacing… Continue Reading “Replace the stones of regret with the building blocks of repentance”

The how and the why…

How shall a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed thereto according to thy word. Psalm 119:9 The answer you’ve been looking for, for so long, is found in laying your life down for others. That’s the how and the why. As you’ve… Continue Reading “The how and the why…”

What’s holding you back?

Good question… What’s holding you back? Better question… What are you holding on to that you need to let go of? In life, often times the stronghold is ours. We grab ahold of things and don’t want to let go. Not everything is profitable,… Continue Reading “What’s holding you back?”

Nothing is lost with God

Nothing is lost with God. Even the very intent of our heart is seen, witnessed by God… Example : Forrest (my son) has recently purposed in his heart to make his relationship bigger and better with God & to worship Him more. Forrest elaborated… Continue Reading “Nothing is lost with God”


We are houses. The Bible even calls us temples of the Holy Ghost. Old Testament scripture refers to a man like a city without walls. When the Lord fills the temple, we hear His voice and see His wonders. When we fill the house… Continue Reading “WE ARE HOUSES”

Hard times

Are you going through hard times right now? Things beyond your control? Heartbreak? Loss of a loved one? Things related to your job or livelihood/finances? Relationships with family or friends? Your body’s health, or your mental health? Just fill in the blank… One way… Continue Reading “Hard times”