Month: March 2020


We are houses. The Bible even calls us temples of the Holy Ghost. Old Testament scripture refers to a man like a city without walls. When the Lord fills the temple, we hear His voice and see His wonders. When we fill the house… Continue Reading “WE ARE HOUSES”

Hard times

Are you going through hard times right now? Things beyond your control? Heartbreak? Loss of a loved one? Things related to your job or livelihood/finances? Relationships with family or friends? Your body’s health, or your mental health? Just fill in the blank… One way… Continue Reading “Hard times”

Born again

Some have said, “I was born this way” as a reason why their sin is okay or natural. All of us can say the same thing. We are all born into sin. Our sin nature is from the beginning. As we are born into… Continue Reading “Born again”